Open Studio mit Dardan Zhegrova

Vorschaubild © Video still, wip, 2024 / © Samuel Weniger, Dardan | Veranstaltungsbild © Video still, wip, 2024 / © Samuel Weniger, Dardan

Open Studio mit Dardan Zhegrova

Offenes Atelier


Dardan Zhegrova, derzeitiger ADKDW Artist-in-Residence, wird im Rahmen des Open Studios seine aktuelle Arbeit DRIFTING vorstellen. DRIFTING (2024, Skulptur & Videoinstallation, Schrift auf Textil, Audio) besteht aus einer dreiteiligen Multimedia-Installation. Indem es aus unerwarteten Wellen von Emotionen und Affekten schöpft, ist DRIFTING ein Werk, das sich mit persönlichen Beziehungen auseinandersetzt und zu verstehen versucht, was uns zusammenhält und was uns auseinandertreibt. Wie verschiedene Schichten gelebter Erfahrungen, die sich in einem ständigen Kommunikationsfluss befinden, zusammenkommen, während wir zusammenkommen oder auseinanderdriften. 

Die Installation ist Teil einer fortlaufenden Untersuchung von Affekten, Beziehungen und den politischen und emotionalen Konsequenzen, die sich aus der Nähe zu jemandem oder der Ferne von jemandem ergeben.

Fr 28 06 2024 | 16:00-21:00 Uhr 
Arty Farty Gallery, Vogelsanger Str. 195a, 50825 Köln
In englischer Sprache
Freier Eintritt





In May and June 2024, we welcome the artist Dardan Zhegrova, to Cologne as artist-in-residence, whose works were shown at Manifesta 14 in Prishtina in 2022, among others. Dardan Zhegrova's works are oriented towards objects and performance. His works are most often based on poems, which are always at the beginning of the conception of a new work. The breaking down of various boundaries in Zhegrova's work also reflects his queer identity, which oscillates between feminine and masculine attributes and consciously rejects and transcends a normative understanding of gender. 

Dardan Zhegrova, the current ADKDW Artist-in-Residence, will present his ongoing work, DRIFTING at the Open Studio. DRIFTING (2024, sculpture & video installation, writing on textile, audio) consists of a three-part multimedia installation. By drawing from unexpected ‘waves’ of emotion and affect, DRIFTING is a work which engages with personal relationships in trying to understand what keeps us together and what drifts us away. How various layers of lived experiences, in a constant flux of communication come together as we come together or drift apart. 

The installation is part of an ongoing research on affect, relationships and the political and emotional consequences of being close with someone or far away from someone. 

Fri 28 06 2024 | 4–9 pm
Arty Farty Gallery, Vogelsanger Str. 195a, 50825 Cologne
In English language
Free entry
