Cuts and Pieces
Cuts and Pieces

© Tom Weecks 

Pop Culture meets Street Art

Deeply rooted in the cosmos of pop culture, the stylistic elements of advertising and comic culture are the inspiration and motivation for the Cologne street artist Cuts and Pieces' creative work.

Cuts and Pieces uses sampling, a term familiar from music. He uses snippets of photos, pictures and graphics which he arranges in a new visual context. Analogue collage, spraypaint and stencil techniques combined with the possibilities of digital image processing describe his working method best.

Always close to the pulse of time, Cuts and Pieces transforms the spirit of pop culture into contemporary streetart culture. He loves playing with suggestive messages and slogans, appealing and catchy, with humour and charm and gladly with a touch of social criticism - but always direct and unabashedly honest.

Pop culture meets Streetart is an attitude to life for Cuts and Pieces.


© Tom Weecks

Arty Farty